The work of Bromley Baptist Church is totally financed by our members and friends. In addition, approximately 15% of the general giving is, in turn, passed on for other purposes – the support of individual missionaries, BMS World Mission, Baptist Home Mission Fund, etc.  We are very grateful to God for providing for our needs over many years but with an ever-expanding ministry, the annual budget increases year by year. There are a number of ways you can donate:

Direct Debit 

If you wish to make regular payments, the most efficient way is to set up a Direct Debit.  For more details and a form, please contact us ([email protected]). Setting up a Direct Debit, means that the church benefits from all your donation as there are no administration charges.

Donating online

If you would like to donate online, we have set up a simple credit card facility through Stripe, the accredited online payment platform which also allows for Gift Aid.  A small charge is made by Stripe on each donation. (Please note when completing the form you will be offered the opportunity to create a supporter account which can speed things up should you want to donate again. Please ignore the option to create this account by using your Facebook login details).

Donate Now 

Gift Aid

However you choose to donate, you can also opt to donate via Gift Aid.  Gift Aid is one of the simplest and most effective ways of giving to charity. It is a scheme administered by the Inland Revenue which allows us to claim 25p for every £1 that you donate. So, for example, if you donate £20 we can claim an extra £5, making your gift worth £25.  To be eligible you have to be a UK taxpayer, paying tax on your salary, savings, investments, pensions or capital gains.  By ticking the relevant box on either of our forms, you help us increase your donation and support and serve  more people.

Please note that while we don’t keep any data from your payments, you may wish to keep in contact through our mailing list (if you don’t receive our communications already).  Please contact us for more information.

Thank you very much for your donation the church and our community needs all your support to maintain our building and run all our pastoral activities to support our local community.

Please note that while we don’t keep any data from your payments, you may wish to keep in contact through our mailing list (if you don’t receive our communications already).  Please contact us for more information.